Friday, September 24, 2010

And We're Back.....Again.

So it's time for our annual update! Not every two-year-old blog can be read from start to finish in 5 minutes, but ours is different. Sad, isn't it? I really do have a problem...but enough looking back! Let's unclog the blog!

Last I wrote we were expecting a little boy, and on January 20th we welcomed Asher Joseph into our family. He is PERFECT! Watching him learn and grow has become one of our greatest joys. We fall in love with him more each day!

Asher is now a happy and animated 9-month old, pulling up, speed crawling around and getting into everything he shouldn't. It really does blow your mind to see how quickly a baby can develop into a little boy! Here are a few shots of him as a newborn.

So I really wanted to post pictures of Asher boy from birth up until now, but alas, have no idea how to get them to upload in order. Every time I try to post a picture it appears at the top of the page and seems immovable. Part of why I rarely update the blog is because I don't quite know how. Seriously, I might be the only 20-something out there who can't proficiently operate user-friendly computer programs. Someone take pity on me and give me a tutorial!

Aside from sweet Asher, the other big news in our family is Andrew's acceptance into optometry school. We were so excited to learn of his admission into Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, and he is continuing to interview at other schools, so we'll see where we end up moving! The gratitude we have experienced over this answered prayer has been so intense and reminds us of all the other ways Heavenly Father has taken care of us. Maybe it sounds hokey, but a grateful heart truly is a happy heart, and our hearts have never been happier!