Thursday, December 20, 2012

Candy from Strangers

It's the very way Asher came to love Santa as a 1-year-old. The bearded giant handed the boy a miniature candy cane, we credited him with a few gifts, and old Saint Nick was in like Flynn!
...We should probably brush up on strager danger.


And while Santa isn't at all who this season is about, he sure is fun to believe in for a few years.

Wishing you and yours joy and peace as we reflect on the miracle of our Savior's birth. So eternally grateful for his life, example, atonement and resurrection.

Oh, and enough of all this "Happy Holidays." Merry CHRISTMAS, by golly!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Preston Churchill

I was looking over this year's Christmas card, and had a funny realization.

Our sweet Preston looks a lot like Winston Churchill.

A fat, bald, old man.

Don't you think? I don't mind too much - Winston Churchill has long been a huge hero of mine. But still...hopefully as little man grows he'll trade Winston's looks for his wit and wisdom. 

Hopefully. :) 

Monday, December 3, 2012

How Global Warming is Making Me a Better Mom

Good thing I couldn't find one of Asher's trustee tennis shoes today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought to put his boots on for our walk. We couldn't waste a 63-degree day in December (sorry polar ice caps, but global warming has been good to us), though I hadn't realized how much water had pooled from last night's rain. 

So there we were, babe bundled in stroller, toddler following dutifully alongside, when Asher notices a puddle and looks at me to gauge my response to the idea we both knew he had. I'm not always the best about letting him get messy. It was 12:30, and he was already on his third clean outfit (due to the dismantling of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and "accidentally" jumping into his little brother's bathwater)... but since he'd donned boots, I smiled, nodded, and the boy went charging. What a sight. A little boy gleefully being a little boy. 

I am always amazed at the way he beelines for the puddles I do my best to avoid. I'm too quick to scold him for the childhood crimes of curiosity, over-excitement and mess making. Armed with my good intentions for firmly raising the boy right, I sometimes forget he's just a boy.

I drew the line when Asher started dragging his fingers through the stagnant water, topped with oily rainbows. No sense in my child getting sepsis on my first day of enlightenment. He needed yet another pair of clean pants by the time we returned home, but it was a very small price to pay. He had such a good time.