Wednesday, June 22, 2016

An Explanation

So this blog has been hanging over my head big time. BIG TIME! Since the beginning of the year, I have written and nearly completed a lovely recap post FIVE times, only to have it DELETED each time. I swear I hit "save"...I think I need to update my browser or something. But please, take a moment to understand the gravity here. I have spent a dozen or more hours of highly precious kids-are-down time selecting and importing low-quality pictures, writing thoughtful commentary, editing, etc. only to have them thrown in, nay - FLUSHED DOWN the toilet. This last time when I logged on to complete the post and saw all my work had once again been deleted, I actually cried and considered the possibility that the heavens did not want me to recap the last 6 months of family life. Is my work not good enough for you, universe?!?

But no matter. I know not the reason for this maddening and heartbreaking turn of events, but for now, I must let this explanation suffice. We live in an age of online sharing, but for the past year or so, I’ve grown increasingly disenchanted with social media. While I love keeping up and interacting with friends, my feeds began to overwhelm me. So many voices screaming, “Look at me!” “Buy this!” “My kid is doing something cute!!” All fine in the right amounts, but I have friends that post 5 or 10 times a day, and keeping up with it all began to feel like work. So I stepped back and made peace with the idea of missing things.

And while I am not an especially private person, the idea of artificially inserting my life into another’s consciousness seems distasteful at times. Which is why I value this out-of-fashion family blog. Should anyone want to know what we are about, it is here and open.

There are always a million “unbloggy” things that need doing, but I have not given up on this baby! Unless this post gets deleted. Then I’ll slit my wrists and start a Twitter account.