Monday, March 14, 2011

March Madness

The phrase has taken on an entirely new meaning in our family this year. Last week, Andrew finally went to the doctor after months of respiratory problems. Since last summer, he has been experiencing increasingly severe allergy symptoms, coughing spells, and bronchiole spasms, as well as developing asthma. Lately he's had attacks during which he is unable to breathe at all, even blacking out. Needless to say, we've been scared and unsure what to do.

The doctor informed Andrew that he was experiencing every symptom of COPD, and could have very nearly died (?!?). He of course doesn't have COPD - he's never smoked - but he is breathing in something toxic to his system. This realized, we remembered the flood damage done to the house last Spring, and fearing mold, had a housing inspector out to take a look. Not only is the air filter completely broken, there is still active flooding (with mold very likely behind the finished walls), which can't be remedied without tearing a basement wall out and redirecting water flow.

My father and uncle who actually own the house are finding a contractor to fix the problem, but in the meantime, we need to get Andrew out of that house. Louisville is a terrible place for people with allergies anyway, and his condition has gotten bad enough that at work, patients who come in that wear heavy perfume, have pets or smoke cause him severe attacks.

The realization we needed to leave came very suddenly and our heads are still spinning. We love Louisville and hate to leave family and friends, but health is our priority. The plan now is to stay in Central City with Andrew's family for a few months until we move to Columbus for school. We absolutely adore them, and look forward to spending time together before we go to Ohio.

At any rate, while it has been madness, we are very grateful for the medical attention Andrew received and for a place to go with people we love. So blessed!

View Where We'll Be in a larger map


  1. We are sooo excited for you guys to stay here! We want to do everything we can to help...even if that means late night ticket to ride games and even settlers of catan. Seriously...what ever it takes.:)
    PS Maybe Andrew should be put in a bubble...I'll look into that too

  2. We will miss you but we hope that Andrew feels better after you go. Scary stuff!

  3. BOOOOOOOOO! I mean, we want Andrew to live a long full life and all, but we are not ready for you to go!

  4. So sad to see you guys go, but know that it is the best thing for your family. We will miss you So much!

  5. We love you guys! Hope Andrew starts feeling better.
