Saturday, September 24, 2011

In a Good Way

Andrew started classes this past week. It was a little sobering...Monday morning I kissed him goodbye, closed the door behind him, and took a deep breath. The beginning of the next four years. The phase of life where he'll be gone most of the time, and when he's home, he'll usually be in his office studying. Nights of putting Asher to bed and then watching a movie and cuddling together may not be extinct, but they're definitely an endangered species.

Reality has set in, but in a good way. Less time together is par for the course, and only temporary, after all. The knowlege that this is exactly where we need to be and what we need to be doing provides amazing peace and reassurance.

SO! I have decided to make good use of these hours alone. I will find solace in solitude. I will read more, write more, work more. I will learn new things, get more done and focus on becoming a better Christian, wife and mother. This temporary shift will be a great blessing.

With daddy gone most of the time, Asher and I are finding new things to do. We like to venture out at least once a day. We were so excited to discover a paved nature trail that winds through the woods, around a field, and connects with a secret path leading to duck ponds. JACK. POT.

We love to bring old bread and feed the "dutties," and listen to them "cack." The first time we went, there were 6 lovely ducks. The last time we went, there were at least 60 - all swarming around, eager to be fed. I guess word gets out.

Asher was exultant. Seeing your child dance around with giddy delight is one of life's greatest pleasures.

The only pictures I took were with my phone, so I'll post some of the ones Ali took last month. In a brief fifteen minutes, she was able to capture tons of great Asher/family pics. She is now practicing in the Chicago area, and I can't wait to see more of her work. Here are some of our favorite "pond session pics."

Isn't life beautiful?


  1. Such cute pictures. Glad to hear that everything is going well, good luck with school and the changes that will come.

  2. Beautiful pictures-- I agree, seeing your child dancing around in giddy joy is one of life's greatest pleasures. I'm so glad you guys live so close to the duck pond!

  3. You guys look like one of those families they concoct and print up by the hundreds to put in picture frames. You are too beautiful to be real. Miss you terribly, Asher is too big, life moves too fast. Missing you.
