Saturday, June 30, 2012

So Happy Together

We had two days. 

Two free days to share as a family between Andrew's Nauvoo and Chicago trips, and we did our best to maximize them! We even have random cell phone pictures as proof, so get ready.

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day. So fun to pamper Andrew...we handmade a card, presented gifts, fixed his favorite french dip sandwiches, and Asher surprised him by learning the song Daddy's Homecoming (I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home). We made sure the house was super clean, and after church, snuggled down into fresh sheets to watch his new favorite show - "Sherlock." Such a sweet day together.

 The next day we made use of our new zoo pass, and went to the Columbus Zoo for the first time as a family. It was so, so much fun! For starters, it was a perfect, sunny day - mid 70's, nice breeze. Asher got to pet a turtle and a snake, and got a good close look at the elephants, polar bears, penguins, monkeys, kangaroos, and hammerhead sharks.

 Largest bats in the world - 6 foot wingspan

 Watching a kangaroo sleep...

 ...Then following suit

 So while Asher napped, Andrew and I felt like we were suddenly on a date. We bought overpriced Dipp'n Dots to share, sat in the shade and just talked (feet away from a sleeping grizzly bear we were oblivious to for a half an hour). It was beyond nice. It's funny the way you love your kids so deeply, yet relish every moment they sleep. :)

 Baby boy and I at 31 weeks!

We wrapped things up at the zoo then stopped in old downtown Dublin for a little Donato's pizza (I seriously think it might be my favorite), then walked across the street to Jeni's for some of their special ice cream (that's right - our sequence was ice cream, pizza, ice cream). We tried a ton of cool flavors, but ended up settling on lemon blueberry, roasted strawberry buttermilk, and goat cheese and red cherries.

 Wait, what - are these glasses? Yes, I've seen them before...please, allow me

 If you'd just hold STILL

We spent the rest of the evening at home together. Here's a little video clip of Asher and Daddy being silly.

It was hard to see Andrew go the next day, and we've seriously missed him this week (Asher keeps saying, "Where's my daddy?" and it broke my heart when he tried to have an excited conversation with a voicemail Andrew had left), but we are so excited to pick him up from the airport tomorrow! No more conferences until the end of July!


  1. So fun! I have to say, though, goat cheese ice scream sounds slightly unnerving. I clearly don't have your wild, adventurous spirit!

    1. It just tastes like cherry cheesecake with a hint of goat cheese. You'd love it!

  2. You all are too sweet! I just love your guts! A visit when baby boy comes is in the works!:)

    1. Oh my goodness, you don't know how happy reading that made me! We are so excited!!
