Saturday, September 15, 2012

Last Few Drops

Fall came yesterday.

One day it was sweltering, and the next we were grabbing jackets. Autumn! It always makes me melancholy to watch as school begins and nature fades away, but there is no more enchanting time of year. The leaves, the pumpkins, the smell of cinnamon, soup on the stove...I just want to take a hay ride, drink cider, and bake pumpkin bread. I know you know what what I'm talking about.

Yes, Fall has come, but before it did, we drank the last few drops of Summer. Labor Day weekend found Andrew's entire family right here in Columbus...and we were so grateful. Everyone together, and delivered! We spent most the time shopping, swimming, and going to eat. The boys all went to the Ohio State football game on Saturday, and my personal highlight was just talking and playing a game of Catan after the little ones were down. We also took a trip to the splash pad at bicentennial park, and (per usual) Ali got some amazing photos. Here are some snapshots of our last summer weekend:

Meet the cousins:


Asher with his all-time favorite person

Practicing their O-H-I-O!

Shopping at Easton. Love Henry's face here



  1. How do you always look so gorgeous? Seriously. Glad you had fun with the fan, and I know exactly what you mean about fall. :)

  2. Was there ever a better-looking family on Planet Earth?? Seriously! You're making the rest of us look bad! Stop it!

  3. You look fantastic! 2 kids looks good on you two!
