Monday, October 14, 2013

Earned Satisfaction

Asher learned how to snap his fingers today. He'd been working at it for over a month with no real success. Then as we were driving home from the park today, I heard a little "pop", followed by a jubilant, "Mom! I did it! I snappted my fingers!"

The boy has been positively floating ever since.

We celebrated with hugs and high fives at home, and I jumped to teach the obvious lesson:

"See, Asher? You worked really hard, and even though you couldn't snap at first, you practiced and practiced and then learned something new! Don't you feel happy?"

He smiled broadly and nodded. Then thinking a moment, said, "Mommy, I'm a smart boy, because I do smart things."

I agreed (not that his logic was perfect), but again emphasized his practice and perseverance. It's fine to feel bright, but I always want to attribute our children's successes to their efforts. Because being "smart" isn't enough: life takes work.

Asher's excitement and pride bubbled over as he snapped the first time for his Daddy. When night time came, he lay in bed with eyes closed obediently, but one little hand raised, unable to resist the urge to enjoy what he'd labored so long to learn.

In the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty tiny triumph (although at three and a half, he's way ahead of me. I distinctly remember being unable to snap in Kindergarden...which was an embarrassing handicap, because almost every dumb little song we sang called for snaps somewhere, and I had to be sly and fake it). But seeing the pure joy of a child achieving a goal was just the reminder I needed today.

We are always working on something. Always doing, trying, becoming. Sometimes the journey to achievement isn't "snappy." Sometimes the road presents distraction, doubt and discouragement. Sometimes we question why we're on the road at all.  But prayerfully leaning on the Lord and trusting the Spirit's guidance brings such profound peace and reassurance. With His help, we can do hard things.

So here's to work. And to remembering it's what builds us. Here's to the joy of arriving, and to earned satisfaction.


  1. Elise learned to snap, too! Greta is rather put out that she doesn't know how yet. I did the same thing as you though, emphasizing the work. Haha! "Elise, you worked so hard! Greta, you could snap just as well if you work for it! We can accomplish anything we want if we're willing to work hard!" I read an article that said girls don't try as hard at things as boys because girls frequently get told they're "a good girl" (which implies inherit goodness, no improvement available) whereas boys are praised for their work ethic. Since then I've been trying to really praise work. And clearly I've gone overboard on this comment. Hope you don't block me from your blog for this. ;-)
