Lately, when I feel discouraged or inadequate, I've found the quickest cure is to kneel and thank Heavenly Father for all He's given me. So simple. And it always works. I come to Him down, and in seconds, feel my heart bubble over with gratitude, peace and love. In a world that loves a quick-fix, it's a wonder this isn't a more common practice.
Aren't we all after happiness? I've learned gratitude is the fastest route. Gratitude coupled with humility. I'm a mighty proud woman (don't ask me why); but, when I humble myself and see the hand of God in my life, I can't help but be overcome with profound gratitude. It's a really, overwhelmingly good feeling.
So last week as we all celebrated Thanksgiving, I made an extra effort to mentally keep counting my blessings. It wasn't hard...and it made me feel so consistently happy. At the top of my list was family - and I was glad to be able to spend the holiday in Kentucky with Andrew's family, who I LOVE. And I've never been one to throw around that word (Clip from home video of my dad interviewing me at age 5: Dad: "Who's your boyfriend, Sarah?" Me: "Patrick." Dad: "Do you love him?" Me: [stone-faced] "LIKE, not love."), but I really do. Awesome in-laws: Blessing number 52,801.
So last week as we all celebrated Thanksgiving, I made an extra effort to mentally keep counting my blessings. It wasn't hard...and it made me feel so consistently happy. At the top of my list was family - and I was glad to be able to spend the holiday in Kentucky with Andrew's family, who I LOVE. And I've never been one to throw around that word (Clip from home video of my dad interviewing me at age 5: Dad: "Who's your boyfriend, Sarah?" Me: "Patrick." Dad: "Do you love him?" Me: [stone-faced] "LIKE, not love."), but I really do. Awesome in-laws: Blessing number 52,801.
Anyway, we had so much fun hanging out together for 5 whole days, celebrating what is really a perfect holiday, and ushering in the season of the only one that trumps it.
All the boys sporting their plaid
All the boys sporting their plaid
Joey has a tradition of lifting the kids up while they hang their "Baby's First Christmas" ornament.
Joey and Kim hanging the 1978 ornament from their first Christmas together
This time of year is special, and it's easy to think about how richly blessed we are when there's a national holiday set aside for the sole purpose. But I move we cease to reserve Thanksgiving for November. Maintaining an ever-grateful heart will bring us happiness and draw us nearer to our Father.
The oh-so-simple bottom line: when it comes to thanks, give it. :)
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