Thursday, September 3, 2015

Preston at 3: A Progress Report

Asher looked forward to his younger brother's birthday. "I'm excited for Preston to turn 3, so he'll know how to share and won't hit me and bite me!" I tried to gently explain that learning and growth were gradual processes, but it didn't quite stick. The morning of Preston's third birthday, a confused Asher walked out of their shared bedroom and exclaimed, "Preston still looks two!"

None the less, the boy is now officially 3 and when asked how old he is, will hold up 3 fingers via the "OK" sign, and say, "Free and a haff!" It's a 6-month lie (innocently inspired by his brother's incessant pronouncement that he's "5-and-a-half!"), but still pretty cute. 

Other cute things about Preston right now: He has a love of small things, and any time he sees a small version of something, for example - a tiny grape amidst those of average-size - shouts, "Aw, mommy look - a SWEET grape!" 

I'm also just low-class enough to mention his cute terminology for doing his big business on the toilet. When he needs to go number 2, he says "Mommy, I need to go squeezes!" or "Look - I went squeezes on the toilet!" Tonight after an especially diminutive bowel movement, he said,  "Aw, look - a SWEET squeeze!" Sorry to make you uncomfortable. Just one of those little things we'll completely forget if I don't record that we want to chuckle about later. :)
Celebrating successful squeezing at the "ice cream shop". There's a Baskin Robbins right next to our house now, and while it's no Jeni's, I still foresee us spending plenty of happy time and calories there.

Preston is one who relies on his naps to maintain human form, which makes 1:00 PM church a trial of our faith. There have been some pretty rough moments. But a couple months ago, we started bringing his tacky Spider Man blanket and travel pillow to church with us. Sometimes it pays to be shameless...the child is now in the routine of conking out for a two hour pew nap like a little homeless person. The sanctity of our Sabbath is saved. 

Though Preston maintains that characteristic of being ready to fight at the slightest provocation, he is happy and affectionate the majority of the time. Really. When he's in an especially good mood, he'll grab your face and just lay one on you, then won't pull away until you sort of pry him off (yes, I've wondered about how this will go in high school; not sure if he'll make me a young grandmother, or never at all :). 

He's also more verbally affectionate lately, which really melts us. Last weekend, he dumped the last of the soap into the tub at once to create, in the words of Asher, "The funnest bath [they'd] ever had!" They had a marvelous time playing, and we heard Preston say again and again, "I love you, Asher. I love 
you, Asher."

Preston's old permascowl has been fading fast, and the former grump has become quite friendly, even to strangers. Instead of snubbing new faces, he now often says, "Hey, wassyo naaame?" When asked his own name, extends a hand to shake and responds, "I'm Pressen Andoo Steah. Nice to meechu!" 

He's also gaining a handle on the ole' aggression. I may be his mother, but since Preston's transformation into troubled toddler, have become his parole officer as well. I long to see him overcome his violent outbursts and regain good citizen status. And while he still has relapses (cut to him hitting a little girl at the Y yesterday, then telling me about it in a disturbingly casual tone), the young man seems well on the path to reform. Angry with Asher amidst a Kinetic Sand dispute last weekend, I saw him rear back, then stop himself, fist trembling mid-punch. Maybe he knew I was watching. But I like to think we're loving the serial killer right out of him. 

He also sings all the time. That's a hallmark sign of a happy child, right? His current favorites include "Ghostbusters," the Spider Man theme song, Sesame Street classics "Rubber Ducky" and "C is for Cookie," as well as more more contemporary selections like Maroon 5's "Love Somebody," and Walk the Moon's "Shut Up and Dance."  I carefully edit this last one when it plays by shouting "COME ON and dance with me!" over the chorus. It's worked like a charm and the boys delight to sing the modified version (although, the crude censorship is not foolproof. Asher recently came to me with squinted eyes and said, "Mom, I think it's actually 'Shum on' and dance with me." Mmm, is that right? ...Oops.)

But even in his happier, less violent form, Preston is still more "boy" than I could have ever prepared for. He loves all things super hero, Buzz Lightyear, and Lightning McQueen. He wants to constantly wrestle and be tickled and chased. The kid is plain rough, and I've informed Andrew Preston may suffer from "high T". There is no cure. Only bedtime.

This child keeps us laughing, guessing, fuming, and melting. We're (almost always) SO happy he's ours. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad he's growing out of some of his more criminal behaviors. Thank you for showing me that there's hope for Cambria too :)
