Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Springtime on Geneva Way

As the weather has gotten nice, Asher has grown increasingly fond of the outdoors. He'll tell me "Bye!" and then scamper off to attempt forcing the back door open. It's cute. I've tried to accommodate his new love, although spending any amount of time outside leaves that earthy smell on us (you know that smell? Sort of a mix between plants and pollution?), and then we both need baths. Have I mentioned I'm a little neurotic?

At any rate, now that he's walking, I've taken to removing his shoes (seems counter intuitive, but this way he doesn't fall as much), and letting him toddle around the yard and in the driveway. This was enough to satisfy his nature fix until our neighbors across the street let their Yorkies out. Just like that, our boy was on to harder drugs.

Now anytime we leave the house, Asher yells "Doggy!" and beelines for the beloved terriers. We are blessed to have nice neighbors - Gayle and Debbie,  a mother/daughter pair who are always sweet, welcoming, and tolerant of our antics.

Here are a few pictures from our most recent excursion. Daddy had just come home from work and was able to join in the fun (aka, help wrangle Asher).

He's so happy!

...until we tell him it's time to go home.

The view from across the street. I love how the trees are just beginning to wake up.

It's been a lovely three years. We're going to miss this house and our street!


  1. Sarah, it's been forever since I've seen what you've been up to! Asher is adorable! Good luck in Columbus. I grew up in Springfield, Ohio (right off of 70 on the way to Columbus) and we almost went to OSU for grad school...only choosing Louisville, instead. But OSU's campus was the coolest we visited. Good're family is beautiful.

  2. Sarah I will seriously cry until my eyeballs fall out when you move. I'm glad Asher enjoys the doggies! :)

  3. Your family is growing so fast! Looks like you guys are doing well.

  4. We miss you already! :( Let us know when you're coming back for a visit!
