Monday, August 26, 2013

A Very Happy First

We blinked and our newborn baby turned one!

We invited a few friends over from Andrew's program (our place is tiny, so it was just the right number of people) and had a little party in Preston's honor.

Please - will you tell me what is cuter than a little nautical theme? See, you can't.

 For the record, this extensive labeling was not my idea. :)

My first attempt at piping! Felt like a real professional. Only without any skills.
 The banner following Preston from baby to one-year-old made me so simultaneously happy and sad.

 Some people ate, others ran from the camera

 When asked how old he is, Preston holds up a single finger. :)

Hands down my favorite picture of the entire day! Hahaha, Asher...

 Our friends are too good to us.
Preston Andrew, you have one whole year of life behind you! I am done marveling at how fast time is flying; instead, I am working to absorb every moment of your baby-gone-boy sweetness.You are so very special to us, son. Tears spring to my eyes as I say it. Always remember how precious and loved you are. Happy first birthday!

- Mommy and Daddy


  1. Wow he is one that is crazy, but what a cute little one year old boy he is. What a cute themed birthday party too, your so creative.

  2. 1. I love this boy so much!
    2. I can think of something cuter than a nautical themed party: me.
    3. JK to #2 because, booyah, there was no way you were getting a full picture of my very pregnant self in that shot. I look much more fit in blurry form, thank goodness.
    4. Thank you for subtle way you showcased the gifts from us. I'm secretly having a really big ego right now.

  3. He is so amazing. Love little Preston & how adorable he is holding up his pudgy index finger:)
