Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Good Day

Today was just an old-fashioned good day.

Here are some highlights, in the order they occurred:

- Asher and I getting to go to the science center with our friends to play and eat lunch
- Stopping on the way home for cinnamon twists, our favorite 89 cent treat
- Being productive during nap time while also getting a perfect 15-minute power nap
- Asher and I eating a batch of homemade apple chips right out of the oven
- Watching our little boy's face light up as Daddy walked in the door
- Finding out our friends are expecting a baby girl
- Laying on our bed with Asher and reading books
- Taking a trip to the grocery store as a family
- Listening to our son sing nearly all the words to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
- Talking to my big sister on the phone
- Splitting a grapefruit with Asher (can you tell we bond through sharing food? :)
- Hearing him rattle off his letters to himself while playing with his alphabet magnets
- Asher staying completely dry and accident free all day
- Seeing he actually went number 2 on his own (YES, this was a highlight! I took a picture on my phone to show Andrew!), then watching him make a "yucky" face and say, "We do not eat the poo poo." .....Good, yes, that's right.
- Meeting with our awesome young women's presidency to get a handle on girl's camp
- Talking to my mom on the phone

And finally....

- Andrew and I booking a spring break cruise to Mexico!

Feeling so happy and blessed. :)

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