Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ashers to Ashes

It's been three weeks since Asher broke our video camera. When we discovered it, I cried, would we film all of his cute stages? Document the new baby? Preserve precious memories of us as a young family?

There's no happy ending here just yet...I'm still sad, and I don't think we'll be able to reinvest for a little while. Thankfully, I had just taped a few little Asher videos and uploaded them all to our computer before doomsday struck. So, SO happy we saved them before they were lost! 

Here is the last surviving video from our ill-fated FlipCam, dated May 6th. It's of Asher playing around in the tub, while I prompt him to sing some of his favorite little songs. Grateful we'll always be able to go back and hear this sweet voice!

1 comment:

  1. That's a major bummer about the video camera breaking. Can you take videos on your regular camera? That's how we take all of our little videos. (If not, our camera is great and it was only $80 on Amazon.)
